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BLOG: VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Protection
Bryan Samson Strategic Alliances Manager Yup, we’re good,” I thought as I laid my head down on my pillow for the night. When I was little, I remember my dad walking around the house turning off lights, checking doors, windows, and locks. We didn’t live in a...
Recent Articles
The Evolving Mainframe – Approaching the Analytics Community
Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales The new z14, announced July 17, 2017, is larger, faster and more secure than its mainframe predecessors. IBM is focusing this server for enterprise analytics. Let’s see how. For z/OS Mainframes Analytics on z/OS is BIG! STOP...
PureStorage – Big Plans for Big Data – Reach for the Sky!
Bryan Samson Strategic Alliances Manager “Reach for the Sky,” says Woody in Toy Story, as I watch with my family and wonder at the skill of Pixar animators, the complex software and massive amount of hardware it took to make this film back in 1995. By the way,...
Storage Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the data center Not a creature was stirring, not even a storage director. The carts were hung by the multimedia storage enclosure with care In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The Elastic Storage...
Leveraging COBOL v6 for Performance
COBOL has been a mainstay of traditional application development on System z. Organizations continue to develop and maintain core business logic built in COBOL; but, has your organization embraced any of the new capabilities that are now part of the newest COBOL v6.2...
IBM Open Data Analytics for z/OS Goals, Objectives and Use Case
Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales You have come this far in the search for a solution for performing analytics on the mainframe data. You are now ready to consider stopping the ETL process in favor of doing analytics on the mainframe, directly on the operational...
IBM Announces First POWER9 System
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems The POWER9 processor was publicly announced in 2016. On December 5, IBM announced the first POWER9-based system, the AC922, with general availability December 22, 2017. The AC stands for Accelerated Computing because of...
IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management – Copies in the Cloud
Chris Dedham Senior Storage Solutions Architect The importance of leveraging Cloud Storage for IT infrastructure has grown significantly, over the years, as organizations have tried to reduce costs, without sacrificing scalability, and as the tide of data...
IBM Announces Cloud Private…solution for Docker based private Power Cloud
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems There is no doubt that customers are looking at “cloud” to provide automation, cost savings, and optimization of resources. Using a “public cloud,” while good, does not necessarily provide the security, performance, nor control that...
Mainline Managed IT Services – Addressing Operational Challenges
Ray LeeVice President-Managed Services and SupportMainline Information Systems Mainline’s clients depend on their data center systems for critical transaction processing and applications that are key to their innovation, collecting data and protecting information....
Infinidat’s SATA-Driven Disruption
Robert Young Senior Systems EngineerData Storage Services Mainline Information Systems Moshe Yanai zigs where others zag. Gil Press, writing in a recent Forbes article describes Moshe’s 40 years of re-inventing storage. In the article, Gil distills the five...
Power Systems “Quiet” Announcements and IBM Power Technical University NOLA
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems IBM Power Systems made a series of software functional changes, but it seems they did it quite quietly, as I see that not many users or support staff are aware of these announcements. Just returning from a very informative and well...
Open Cloud Management – Got your head in the Clouds?
Joseph Germinario Solution Architect I sure hope so! If not, here are some of the problems you will encounter. 1. Slow to respond to the business needs - Competitors will love you! 2. Development of new application will be slow - Competitors will love you! 3....