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BLOG: Dell Partners with Top Tech Providers to deliver PowerEdge 16G Servers
Bryan Samson Strategic Alliances Manager “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs said that speaking about how successful Apple products and their culture have become during one of their new iPhone...
Recent Articles
IBM Announces Power Systems Enterprise 950 Server for Mission-Critical Workloads
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems Director Power Systems On August 7, 2018, IBM announced the Power Systems Enterprise 950 POWER9-based server, completing the POWER9 family, which began to rollout in September 2018. This high-performance, enterprise...
Software Defined Storage vs. Storage Virtualization
Bob Elliott VP Storage Solutions Software-Defined Storage - Definition In the search for greater simplification and more powerful storage management, many companies are looking to implement or expand the implementation of a software defined infrastructure....
Infinidat: High Speed Backup and Simplified Disaster Recovery
Keith Thuerk Storage Engineer Infinidat had a major product release in April of this year. I wrote about their Neutrix Cloud a few weeks ago, so today, let’s cover two more offerings from that major release; InfiniGuard and InfiniSync. InfiniGuard -...
Operational Analytics, Providing Greater Insights into Today’s Digital Transformation Economy
Ken Gross Mainframe Software Specialist With year after year exponential growth of Big Data, organizations continue to experience the challenges of how to analyze this information to make better decisions. The data is now arriving from everywhere,...
IBM Z Leverages IFLs and Secure Service Container (SSC) for Analytics Platform
The IBM z System (IBM Z) has been the mainstay of mainframe computing, and is the lineal descendant of the original System/360 introduced in the 1960’s. As a proven zero-downtime computing platform, IBM System z has supported massive online transaction applications,...
Infinidat Neutrix Cloud
Keith Thuerk Storage Engineer By now, most enterprises have discerned that cloud offerings are not for active data sets. And, while grinding through their budgets, due to egress charges and other ancillary charges, not actual IT resource utilization...
Transitioning from IBM Spectrum Protect to IBM Spectrum Suite; and the Spectrum Suite Cheat Sheet
Marie Ashway Director of Marketing The Mainline blog is usually written by our technical experts to help our customers with their business needs. As a former IBM operating system developer, turned marketer some years later, I can appreciate the value...
Cloud Storage – Moving Storage to the Cloud
Bob Elliott VP Storage Solutions So you’re moving storage to the cloud. Maybe it’s just backups. Maybe it’s your data center archives. In any case, there are many questions you will need to ask yourself as well as your cloud storage provider. Consider these issues:...
IBM Power Systems announce POWER9 based LC (Linux Cluster) servers for high performance commercial applications
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems IBM Power Systems has announced the POWER9-based LC models to follow the previous IBM POWER8-based LC models. LC stands for Linux clouds and clusters, and these new servers were built in collaboration with NVIDIA and...
IBM Champions Program – Recognized IBM Leaders
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems Several years ago, IBM instituted a program called the IBM Champion Program. The IBM program recognizes non-IBM business leaders, typically from an IBM business partner, who promote, teach, and have a deep understanding of several...
IBM Power Systems Hardware Management Console (HMC) Directions
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems Hardware Management Consoles (HMCs) are used by system administrators to manage/maintain Power Systems servers from a hardware perspective, as well as manage PowerVM LPARs (logical partitions). The management of the...
Tips on IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Standby Storage Engine
? 3:31IBM added a spare storage engine to the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) to improve availability and performance. The new standby node reduces the impact of an SVC engine in a cluster going offline.Laura discuses some tips you should know to take...