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High Availability a management nightmare? IBM Hyperswap makes zero downtime a whole lot easier. 6:35 Laura Tuller, Mainline Systems Engineer, explains the management issue of high availability and the benefits of IBM Hyperswap, a function of the IBM Storwize family....

IBM Power Systems CAPI  Technology

IBM Power Systems CAPI  Technology

Drive Cost of Computing Down with CAPI Technology on IBM Power8  13:26 When was the last time someone said that performance didn’t matter? Today’s enterprises need to reduce computing cost, but improve performance in order to gain a competitive edge. Ron Gordon,...

My view on Power Systems in 2017

Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems As we close out 2016 and reflect back on Power Systems, we saw many technological and systems advancements. Among the many that stand out in my mind are the “C” models of the Enterprise models, the new “LC” models with NVLink to an...

Do you need HPC?

Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems I attended SuperComputing 2016 in Salt Lake City. There was a strong presence of customers, vendors and innovators who presented the view that “supercomputing” is not just about doing massive calculations for genomics, Molecular...

IBM Presence at SuperComputing 2016

Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems I attended SuperComputing 2016 in Salt Lake City, and I was amazed! The attendance was over 16,000, with people from all over globe, there were in-depth lectures and sessions over 4 days, along with over 3 football fields of...


