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BLOG: InfiniSafe Cyber Detection: Infinidat Strengthens Cyber Storage Resilience & Response Capabilities with Machine Learning
Laura TullerSenior Systems EngineerCyber Storage Solutions & Sustainability SW In today's digital landscape, the threat of cybercrime looms large over businesses, with devastating consequences that can range from financial losses to reputational damage. The...
Recent Articles
Here’s What to do If You Want to Virtualize Linux on Power Systems with KVM
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems Linux on Power is for sure gaining usage. With Power Systems’ performance and capacity, it is logical that in many instances the systems should be virtualized. There are two choices, PowerVM and KVM. I will only discuss KVM here,...
Backup-Data: Security and Availability with Data Domain
Fast, Efficient, Secure – Backup and Recovery with Dell EMC Data Domain ? 8:18 When it comes to Backup and Recovery, speed, efficiency, security and reliability are key to your business. Many datacenters are still using tape backup – some not even encrypted – leaving...
High Availability a management nightmare? IBM Hyperswap makes zero downtime a whole lot easier. 6:35 Laura Tuller, Mainline Systems Engineer, explains the management issue of high availability and the benefits of IBM Hyperswap, a function of the IBM Storwize family....
IBM Power Systems CAPI Technology
Drive Cost of Computing Down with CAPI Technology on IBM Power8 13:26 When was the last time someone said that performance didn’t matter? Today’s enterprises need to reduce computing cost, but improve performance in order to gain a competitive edge. Ron Gordon,...
Power Systems – February 14 2017 – Significant Announcements
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems On February 2017, IBM made several significant announcements that I believe are very important for Power Systems customers. There are many details that I cannot review due to brevity in this blog, but hopefully these short...
How to Defend Against the Ever-Escalating War of Cyber Terrorism?
Chris Minnis Enterprise Architect With the well-publicized Locky ransomware dominating the cyber security news headlines for most of 2016, many of us have already heard of and read about it, as well as already learned various top strategies to fight it. Think you...
Got Silos of IBMi data? Break that barrier with Global Deduplication 5:44 Capacity limitations on backup appliances or VTLs left many companies with silos of IBMi data that are inefficient, management intensive, and costly. IBM ProtecTIER provides global...
My view on Power Systems in 2017
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems As we close out 2016 and reflect back on Power Systems, we saw many technological and systems advancements. Among the many that stand out in my mind are the “C” models of the Enterprise models, the new “LC” models with NVLink to an...
Have your head in the Cloud? Let’s clear the fog
Diana Wozniak-Flack Director of Service Delivery Directory Containers can be local or in the cloud. How do we choose a cloud vendor, and what technologies are offered within the cloud itself? Let's explore two of the IBM cloud offerings. These offerings are listed...
Do you need HPC?
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems I attended SuperComputing 2016 in Salt Lake City. There was a strong presence of customers, vendors and innovators who presented the view that “supercomputing” is not just about doing massive calculations for genomics, Molecular...
IBM Presence at SuperComputing 2016
Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems I attended SuperComputing 2016 in Salt Lake City, and I was amazed! The attendance was over 16,000, with people from all over globe, there were in-depth lectures and sessions over 4 days, along with over 3 football fields of...
DevOps – Automating the Development Process
Technology companies are regularly deriving new terms and phrases to differentiate products and product offerings. One of the more recent new terms has been “DevOps”.To understand where DevOps fits into the picture, we need to look back at earlier development...