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BLOG: Transactional IO Explorations

BLOG: Transactional IO Explorations

Robert Young Storage Architect What is Transactional IO and why is this important? To understand what IO throughput and latency should be in each situation makes us better at troubleshooting and grows us in design capability. We become the go-to person in a myriad of...

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VLOG: IBM Storage Class Memory (SCM)

VLOG: IBM Storage Class Memory (SCM)

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BLOG: NextGen Storage Virtualization

BLOG: NextGen Storage Virtualization

Robert Young Sr. Systems Engineer Data Storage Services Computing has evolved from Mainframe to Client-Server to the Third Platform, or Platform 3 as a co-worker (shout-out to Cuz!) described this computing paradigm. Basically, Platform 3 is mobile and cloud analytics...

BLOG: Benefits of IBM Z for Private Cloud

BLOG: Benefits of IBM Z for Private Cloud

Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales   In a recent Mainline blog, 2020 – The Year for Private Cloud on IBM Z, Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks for IBM Z’s private cloud were introduced. The beauty of the IBM Cloud Paks is the simplicity that Red Hat OpenShift with...


