by Mainline Marketing | Jun 21, 2017 | Enterprise Systems
The IT industry has been evangelizing the need to invest in existing business applications, application tooling and developer skill-sets. For many datacenters, this may not have been a priority—for others, they did choose to invest and continue to modernize,...
by Mainline Marketing | Mar 23, 2017 | Enterprise Systems
The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) has been a disruptive technology since it was introduced to the analytics space. An appliance, with its deep and seamless integrations with the premier relational database – DB2 for zOS – has been dramatically changing and...
by Mainline Marketing | Nov 16, 2016 | Enterprise Systems
Technology companies are regularly deriving new terms and phrases to differentiate products and product offerings. One of the more recent new terms has been “DevOps”.To understand where DevOps fits into the picture, we need to look back at earlier development...
by Mainline Marketing | Jul 8, 2016 | Enterprise Systems
The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator has been dramatically changing how customers view analytics, especially with the preponderance of data already existing on z Systems. In many ways, IDAA is a disruptive technology for analytics and z Systems. Customers, in...
by Mainline Marketing | Apr 22, 2016 | Enterprise Systems
For those customers that have embraced the most recent generations of the z Systems hardware, including the zEC12, zBC12, zEC13 and z13s, evaluating how to obtain the most “horsepower” from their investments should be a top priority. As many are aware, there...