New, Lower Pricing for Cognos on PowerLinux

November 13th, 2013
Ron Gordon
Director of Power Systems

Now is a great time to implement that analytics solution you have been thinking about. IBM has lowered its pricing by 60 percent for its premier analytics solution – IBM Cognos – when paired with IBM PowerLinux.

Cognos on PowerLinux gives better performance, faster processing and actionable analytics that can lead to even higher scale benefits. I have seen organizations achieve a competitive advantage with IBM business analytics from Mainline. And they are realizing measurable benefits in key financial areas, such as:

  • 1.6 times greater revenue growth
  • 2 times greater EBITDA growth
  • 2.5 times stock price appreciation

Mainline has the experience to know that the answer is not just data warehousing, or business intelligence, or a dashboard. When you combine the superior analytics from IBM with the POWER7+ engine, you get the ultimate system for compute-intensive analytic workloads. Power is the engine for faster insights.
