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Welcome to the zEnterprise Family, zBC12

Kurt Repholz Vice President System z Sales The saying goes "you can't choose your parents." (No offense mom and dad.) But in this case the newest member of the zEnterprise (a.k.a. System z) family should be pleased with its immediate relatives. The zEnterprise family...

Is the IBM z Systems right for you?

Brian Grondin Solutions Architect Server sprawl, consolidation, modernization...all issues you may be dealing with right now with your infrastructure. And this is normal. With the growing amounts of data and applications that are hitting organizations’ systems, there...

Pow! Wow!

Ron Gordon Director of Power Systems The IBM Power Technical University in Las Vegas Oct 29 - Nov 2 was a great success. To start, the conference had a record number of attendees, despite the impact that Hurricane Sandy had on travel. (IBM’s Colin Parrish did not make...


