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IBM DRAID Explained and Best Practices

IBM DRAID Explained and Best Practices

IBM Distributed RAID (DRAID) improves RAID performance and availability compared to Traditional RAID (TRAID).So why is this important? With today’s larger storage drives, minimizing rebuild time is critical, to avoid a double-drive failure and possible...

IBM Storage Support for Containers

Chris Dedham Senior Storage Solutions Architect   Containers are stand-alone, lightweight packages, that contain the necessary libraries and executables to run code. They are available for both Linux and Windows applications, and provide a runtime environment...

Build Cloud-Native Apps with IBM Cloud Private

Ian Wright Client Technical Sales Engineer   In my previous blog post, I discussed containers and Kubernetes. In short, containers (which were made popular with technologies like Docker, LXC, OpenVZ, Linux VServer, etc.) are virtual constructs that...


