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IBM i and Linux: A Great Synergy

Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems IBM i provides a highly integrated environment, of many application types on a single platform, with very good ease-of-use characteristics from a sysadmin standpoint.  Running on Power Systems, IBM i applications can take advantage...

AIX 5.3 Users Get a (Slight) Reprieve

Ron Gordon Director - Power Systems There still remains a significant number of customer AIX 5.3 instances running critical application.   These applications have been slow to “migrate” to the latest versions of AIX, such as 6.1, 7.1 or 7.2, because of several...

LinuxONE: Value of SMT

Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales The LinuxONE Emperor has made a big splash since its announcement last year.  In February, the Rockhopper, the smaller version of the LinuxONE server, was announced.  These two boxes have changed the processing of Linux workload,...

Flash Storage Technology: Where to Start?

Bryan Samson Strategic Alliances Manager I was recently speaking with a client about flash storage technologies who said he they had met with no less than 12 different flash vendors. No less than 12! This immediately reminded me of being in a heavily traveled tourist...

Virtualization Options for Linux on Power

Linux on Power is a very dynamic environment.

Be aware that technology and support changes, and will be changing very quickly, normally to the better. As soon as one finally understands the characteristics of the environment and defines a plan for implementation, it may be that before you can execute your plan, capabilities may have improved to the better and limitations removed. It is recommended to always check the latest information. Take, for example, virtualization support. Several months ago, there were limitations and technology gaps…these have been updated recently, all to the better. Let’s look at virtualization of the PowerLinux environment.


