BLOG: Securing Any Data, Anytime from Everyone with IBM Z
Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales We have all been there. Requesting replacement credit cards, changing bank accounts, buying subscriptions to monitor our financial accounts in an attempt to prevent hackers from accessing our financial data. What if you discovered...
BLOG: IBM Z Mainframe Application Modernization: The Evolution to Open Source Tools into z/OS Dev Ops
Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales Financial institutions, Federal and State governments, large insurance companies all share in the benefits and challenges of IBM Z. Through the computing evolution, from monolithic applications to micro services, the IBM Z...
BLOG: IBM LinuxONE Express Server
Kurt Repholz VP zSystems Sales IBM announced the LinuxONE server in August 2015 as a follow on to the IBM Enterprise Linux Server. Since this time, this enterprise-class server has evolved with features that expand its hybrid cloud and mission-critical workload...